Name of FS Student: Katherine M. Mique
Course: BSEd- Mathematics
Year and Section: 3V
Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School: Camaman-an Elementary School
At the end of this activity, you will be competent in developing and using materials (slide presentations) which involve students in meaningful learning activity.
As teacher, you are expected to create a student presentation of materials that enhance instructions.
Step 1 Choose a topic.
Step 2 Create a slide presentation based on the chosen topic.
Step 3 Try presenting your slide to the class.
Step 4 Get the Friendly critique from the class
Step 5 Make a narrative such experience
Recall the slide presentation you made in your Ed tech class. Give the important features of the slide by noting the following:
Title of the Presentation: Roots of a Quadratic Formula
Objectives: To be able to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
Title of the Presentation: Roots of a Quadratic Formula
Objectives: To be able to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
: To be able to identify a good way in finding the roots of an equation.
: To be able to perform the quadratic equation examples given by the teacher.
Subject Matter: Algebra (Roots of a Quadratic Equation )
Subject Matter: Algebra (Roots of a Quadratic Equation )
My slide show presentation:
Bases on the presentation you have made, what are the features of a good slide presentation?
A good slide should include transitions or effects to put emphasis on some points of the lesson, but not too many. It must have also one design or theme for whole slides to avoid confusion or any misconception. The slides must not too long, nor too short to avoid cluttering in the slides. A pictures speaks thousands words, hence photos must be included in the slides to let students know what I am talking about. The contents of the slides are important points of the lesson and must not include the whole words that I have to say for the whole discussion
How do you describe your slide presentation in terms of its good feature?
The features that are good in my slide presentation is I made the transitions, effects, only one theme or design for the whole slide and also videos that help students visualize their thoughts or ideas. My slide presentation was not too long or too short .
What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the slide presentation? How did you overcome them?
Making power point presentation is very interesting to me because I can do most that I wanted to do to make my slides a clear representation and as a tool of information sources. So far, the problem is in my eyes and also the internet connection.