Sunday, March 16, 2014

Learning Activity 6: Slide Presentation

Name of FS Student:  Katherine M. Mique
Course:                          BSEd- Mathematics
Year and Section: 3V
Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School: Camaman-an Elementary School

At the end of this activity, you will be competent in developing and using materials (slide presentations) which involve students in meaningful learning activity.

As teacher, you are expected to create a student presentation of materials that enhance instructions.

Step 1 Choose a topic.
Step 2 Create a slide presentation based on the chosen topic.
Step 3 Try presenting your slide to the class.
Step 4 Get the Friendly critique from the class
Step 5 Make a narrative such experience

Recall the slide presentation you made in your Ed tech class. Give the important features of the slide by noting the following:

Title of the Presentation: Roots of a Quadratic Formula
Objectives: To be able to find the roots of a quadratic equation.
                   : To be able to identify a good way in finding the roots of an equation.
                   :  To be able to perform the quadratic equation examples given by the teacher.
Subject Matter: Algebra (Roots of a Quadratic Equation )

My slide show presentation:


Bases on the presentation you have made, what are the features of a good slide presentation?

A good slide should include transitions or effects to put emphasis on some points of the lesson, but not too many. It must have also one design or theme for whole slides to avoid confusion or any misconception. The slides must not too long, nor too short to avoid cluttering in the slides. A pictures speaks thousands words, hence photos must be included in the slides to let students know what I am talking about. The contents of the slides are important points of the lesson and must not include the whole words that I have to say for the whole discussion

How do you describe your slide presentation in terms of its good feature?

The features that are good in my slide presentation is  I made the transitions, effects, only one theme or design for the whole slide and also videos that help students visualize their thoughts or ideas. My slide presentation was not too long or too short .


What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the slide presentation? How did you overcome them?

Making power point presentation is very interesting to me because I can do most that I wanted to do to make my slides a clear representation and as a tool of information sources. So far, the problem is in my eyes and also the internet connection.

LearningActivity 5: Paper Works ( Hands-Outs Use )

Name of FS Student:   Katherine M. Mique
Course:                          BSEd- Mathematics
Year and Section: 3V
Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School: Camaman-an Elementary School

At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in making instructional materials (Hand-outs) appropriate to the learning content.

Your Task
Your going to choose one hand-outs used by the teacher in her lesson. analyze that hand-outs in terms of contents, learning activities, and assessment plan. Reach your goal by following the tasks ahead.

Step 1 Identify the subject area
Step 2 Describe the hand-outs in terms of type

Step 3 Identify the learning activity used

Here's my hand-out in Mathematics:


Which feature of the hand-out is not effective?

For me, the hand-outs I made is good enough for the learners to know about the topic ( finding roots of quadratic equation )

What is measured by assessment plan? Is it process or product?Explain.

The assessment plan measured both product and process because the topic contains procedures in solving and at the same time the teacher is looking forward for the outcome whether the students understand or not.

Your Reflection

Recall any difficulties encountered in making hand-outs? How did you overcome them?

To make a handout is not totally difficult as long as you have references and assistance from a computer. The only thing that took time and needed brain storming is the conceptualization of the flow of the handout and the concept map that I included. What I did first, is I made a concept map in which topic should be the first. In this way, the hand-out would be organized.
Learning Activity 4: Teaching Aids Bank

Name of FS Student:   Katherine M.Mique
Course:                          BSEd- Mathematics
Year and Section: 3V
Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School: Camaman-an Elementary School

At the end of this activity, you will be competent in preparing instructional materials appropriate to the learning content.

To reach your goal, follow steps below

Step 1. Choose a specific topic.
Step 2 Find the resources relevant to your topic that are available in the learning center.
Step 3 Develop a pool of teaching materials (e,g, flash cards, pictures, cut-outs, etc.)
Step 4 Devise a box where to pool in your teaching aids.

Observation Notes
Some learning resources in the resource center seem to be useful for my chosen topic which is the area of plane shapes(triangle, square, rectangle). I choose several learning resources such as chalkboard, books, power point presentation, mock ups, realia, photocopies, pictures and visual aids. I choose those several learning resources because I believe that it can help me achieve my lesson objectives and to have a nice atmosphere during the discussion between my students.

TOPIC:Areas of Plane Shapes                              Grade/Year Level: 3rd year level

Plane Shapes ( triangle, square, rectangle, parallelogram, trapezoid and circle )
·         Geometric  shapes
·         Slides
·         PowerPoint presentations
·         Pictures
·         Visual aids
·         Hand-outs


Why is there a need to make a survey of available materials before making your own materials?
1. So that I can identify the budget I need to prepare for the materials.
2.To define the advantages and disadvantages  of the target materials in advance.
3. To make sure that the materials I needs are available or which may be needed to substituted with other materials.


What materials did you like most? Why?
In the materials I used I like most the power point presentation, since it is colorful and very creative way, and surely the student's will love it.

What difficulties did you encounter in making the materials?
In power point presentation,I encountered a  problem in terms of my eye problem. My eyes will get irritated if I will always stare at the computers' monitor.  

How did you overcome it?
I took little time to rest my eyes, and I guess it helped me a lot.

Make suggestions to the teacher in the presentation of the teaching materials.
The teacher should used various teaching materials so that the students will not felt bored in the discussion and also they have different taste of using the teaching materials.  The teacher must prepare the materials before hand the discussion to test if the materials is working or not and to avoid delaying the lesson.

Whatever teaching materials teacher used, they must consider their objectives in a particular topic.
Learning Activity 3: Utilization of Teaching Aids

Name of FS Student:   Katherine M. Mique
Course:                          BSEd- Mathematics
Year and Section: 3V
Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School: Camaman-an Elementary School

Your Goal
At the end of this activity, you will develop competence in determining appropriate teaching aids for learning tasks.

Your Tasks
To reach your goal, follow these steps.

Step 1 Observe a class on its regular schedule.
Step 2 Take notice of the varied instructional materials used in the teaching-learning tasks.
Step 3 Give comments whether the teaching aids are appropriate to the learning tasks.
Step 4 Reflect on your observations.

Your tools
Use the activity from your observations in this activity.

My observation guide
Before going to your observation visit, read the following statements.
1. What is the lesson about?
2. What visual aids/materials are being used by the teacher?
3. Take note how the teacher uses the teaching aids/materials.
4. Observe how the learners respond to the teacher's use of the visual aids. Do they show appreciation         and/or eagerness on the lesson?
5. How do the learners manifest non-verbal responses? Do you observe them to show interest, eagerness, and understanding?

Grade/Year Level Of Class Observed: Grade 5
Date Of Observation: December 14, 2013
Subject Matter: Energy
Description Of Teaching Approach Used By The TeacherThe teacher used varied instructional materials like technology, textbooks, pictures and etc. She also used traditional learning materials. The teacher allowed the students to engage with the subject matter that will provide facts, relate new knowledge, and build interaction and enthusiasm.

  •       Charts

  • Chalkboard

  • Video tapes or films

*this can be used over and over again
*colored charts are more attractive

*it is convenient to use both formally prepared lessons or for spontaneous sessions 

*motion pictures easily motivate students
*it is adaptable to a large or small groups

*cannot show motion
*big charts are cumbersome to handle

*the teacher's handwriting and spelling deficiency can cause the disruption  from the class

*mechanical and operational problems may arise with the projection equipment

*Charts  is easy to made but it will also be outdated.

*using chalk, it is a convenient writing area where illustrations can instantly be drawn even during a discussion

*students love film showing and required  very little reading skills


1. What is the basis of the teacher in choosing such instructional material in the lesson?
*  Instructional materials should relate directly to the purpose(s) and objective(s) of the lesson; extend content or provide for remediation, reinforcement or enrichment. It should be appropriate to student differences such as ability, achievement, interests, and learning styles.

2. Do you observe any difficulty in the use of the instructional materials? How did she manage it?
* As I observed, the students were actively participated in the class discussion therefore the teaching material was good towards students learning.

3. Was the use of materials effective? Why? why not?
*Yes, the materials use was effective because the students participation was rising that time.

4. How did the learners respond to the teacher's use of the visual aid?
*The learners were focused in the lessons since the visual aid made by the teacher was good and effective.

    The purpose of teaching is to provide basic, comprehensive information to assist students  in developing their individual abilities, therefore the use of visual aids, coupled with good public speaking skills, work hand-in-hand is to create effective presentations towards student's learning,so the teacher must use a visual aids appropriate to the discussion.


Name: Katherine M. Mique
Course: BSEd-Math 3V

I cannot do
I’m Learning how to do this
I can do this but need to learn more
I can do this very well
1.    Identifies and classifies resources that facilitate teaching and learning processes

2.    Appraise the effectiveness of displays as learning

3.    Designs a bulletin board display.

4.    Determines the appropriateness of teaching aids to learning tasks.


5.    Prepares instructional materials that are appropriate to the learning context.


6.    Develops and utilizes materials which involve students in meaningful learning.


7.    Recognizes strengths and weaknesses of such presentation in facilitating the teaching-learning process

8.    Determine the appropriateness resources to the learning tasks.

Learning Activity 7: E- Presentations

Name of FS Student:   Katherine M. Mique
Course:                          BSEd- Mathematics
Year and Section: 3V
Resource Teacher:
Cooperating School: Camaman-an Elementary School

At the end of this activity, you will be competent in using on-line resource materials and interactive programs.

For this process, explore the world by doing these tasks:

Step 1 Observe a class and take note of the topic being discussed.
Step 2 Surf the net to find support materials and/or interactive programs on the topic,
Step 3 Evaluate the materials.

Your tools

Name of Author:
 Oswego City School District Regents Exam Prep Center
Name of Site:
Posting or Revision of Data:

Organization Represented:
Mathematics Category
Date of access:
March 16, 2014
Brief description of the material in the website:
The materials are suitable for High School students. It includes games, puzzles and problem solving which will help the students to enhance their mathematical skills.
Evaluation of the website:

It allows students to browse in the internet in nonprofit site. This project is supported by a federally-funded Title III Technology Literacy Challenge Grant and the Learning Technology Grant.
It will be weak if there is no internet connection.
Name of Evaluator:


Write your reflection on your experience.

I learned that I must be prepared first before entering the classroom for a new discussion and make used of the materials available. Well, I must see to it also that my objective and my presentation will collaborate. Also, I felt that preparing for tomorrow's discussion is not easy since there are many things to consider before anything else.

How did you find the task of surfing the net relevant in generating more information for your support materials topic?

 From the different websites I visited, it helped me a lot in doing this activity. Giving me enough information for my work. Surfing the internet nowadays, is very relevant to us, teachers and also to the students, as well as everyone.


This Field Study 3 helps me a lot in order to become a great teacher someday. Considering the materials, students, availability and etc. After accomplishing the task I know to myself that I can be good enough for my future students in terms of this thing because of the knowledge brought by having different activities.
In having a problem in terms of no internet connection probably in rural area, using this as a materials aids is not appropriate but I also believe that the officers is trying to reach-out those areas who are lacks in terms of the technology word.